Stepping into the World
- Like any good tabletop game, you are probably wondering what can I play, how do I play, what are the rules? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
- First off who can help you get started? In short, there's a lot of people who can help you get up and going, but if you need some definitive answers seek out the GM or one of our Admins. You can find them on the Discord page.
- GM: Justin
- Admins:
- Secondly, create an account here!
- This is where we track all player gold accumulated, and purchases within the game that are made.
- Third, you need a character.
- To create a character go to page 12-13 of the PHB. We will be using the standard Rolling rules (Roll 6 sets of 4d6 drop the lowest in each roll and add them up. You do this once.) or use the Point buy system as set by those pages. (All stats start at 8 you get 27 points to distribute and no stat can be higher than 15.)
- Your first character can start off as a level 2. For this, you just need to submit a 300-word background to a GM, or Admin.
- Anything that is canon is accepted most unearthed arcana, d&dbeyond, and wizards 5e books. If you have a question or want to play anything outside of these rules consult a GM or Admin to help you create the character you want!
- For crafting, we are using an addon called Witchcraft which we will be adding rules to the site.
- For questings regarding crafting, please contact Caty or Travis over on the Discord>Crafting channel.
- Fourth, gameplay.
- RP: On our Discord you will find several channels to jump into. The first is FC (Fates Crossing) feel free to jump in at any time and RP as your character.
- This will get you introduced to the game and through this you will understand how and when to move to other channels. The channels are based on character locations.
- This is a mass collaborative story, feel free to contact a GM or Admin if you have an idea you want to add to the world.
- Gods: As a second more involved way of gameplay we are allowing players to create and RP as their own Demi-God (CR 25-30).
- To do this bring your idea to a GM or Admin.
- You are not allowed to give players gifts/ favors without getting permission from a GM or Admin. The reason for this is it needs to be thematic and within RP. If you are trying to give your own character something from your god it probably will not happen.
- What do gods do? (This is by no means a limited list.)
- Talk to the other gods. (Gods do have interests, goals, and plans to implement.)
- Start wars.
- Attempt to throw a wrench in other god's motives.
- Help push events forward.
- Create!
- Be Worshipped!
- Destroy!
- ***If the events are going to cause a change to the world again speak with a GM or Admin for permission***
- RP: On our Discord you will find several channels to jump into. The first is FC (Fates Crossing) feel free to jump in at any time and RP as your character.
Welcome to the Jungle
- You are an adventurer because you feel a strong call in your bones to adventure. The boredom of a calm life doesn't appeal to you – you are driven to leave behind the safety of civilization and explore the wilds to make your name. Regardless of what drives you, you are driven. You choose where to go and what to do. There will be a handful of obvious choices, but you don't by any means need to take them. The adventure is in your hands.
- Players can suggest or join sessions on an at-will basis. There is no assumed set party – characters can adventure in many different groups.
- Each session is presumed to be self-contained. Players venture into the wild, find or are found by adventure, and return home each session.
- New characters start at level 1. Characters keep whatever gold and XP they earn from session to session, and characters may (until further notice) group with other characters of any level.
- Every character starts each session in town. If characters have not returned home by the end of the session, they automatically return after play has ended.
- Exceptions from this rule are frequently made to accommodate longer adventures spanning over multiple sessions.
- The world persists beyond each session. If players have made a change in one session, other players will see that change if they follow the same path in a later session.
- Prepare to die!
- Posting is encouraged! Whether it is on the Facebook page, Discord, or the forums. Think of this as the guildhall, you come back and you are going to want to talk about your adventures, achievements, and yourself! So Do it!
Running the Adventure
- You come to understand the world and the people playing the game and you want to take the plunge into DMing. Great! Get out there and do your thing kid, but before you do there’s a process).
- Message Creatumbellatore your mission, XP, and reward expectations. That way we can work together to add it to the world, create a mission posting, and get you set up for session sign-ups.
- That’s really all there is to it, but you might be asking well if I run too many games won’t this make me fall behind? There’s an answer for that!
- Rewards: The DM can choose one of two option
- Xp: 50% of a single players experience for the mission.
- Gp: 50% of a single players gold earned for the mission. (This is based on the number of coins given to the party then divided by # of players)
- The reward will be given at the end of the mission.
- Rewards: The DM can choose one of two option
- This is a sandbox discovery campaign, and there should be no clear path to anywhere unless your DM deems it so. Here are some rules I would like us to use for travel:
- Have the players designate one party member as the navigator. The navigator might be an NPC, such as a guide, and the party can switch its navigator day to day.
At the start of each new travel day, the DM makes a Wisdom (Survival) check on behalf of the navigator. The result of the check determines whether or not the party becomes lost over the course of the day. The DC of the check is based on the day's most common terrain and weather, EX: Roads DC 0, DC 10 for coasts and lakes, or DC 15 for jungles. forests, mountains, rivers, swamps, and wastelands. Whether that reduces sight can increase the DC by 5, If sight is reduced to 0 the DC is +10 and you are reduced to a slow pace, in this situation a normal pace would increase the DC by +15 and a fast pace +20. Apply a +5 bonus to the check if the group sets a slow pace for the day, or a -5 penalty if the group is moving at a fast pace. It's possible to get lost on a river by following a tributary instead of the main branch.
If the check fails, the party becomes lost. Each hex on the map is surrounded by six other hexes; whenever a lost party moves 1 hex, roll a d6 to randomly determine which neighboring hex the party enters, and do not divulge the party's location to the players. while the party is lost, players can't pinpoint the group's location on the map. The next time a navigator succeeds on a Wisdom (Survival) check made to navigate, reveal the party's actual location to the players.
- Have the players designate one party member as the navigator. The navigator might be an NPC, such as a guide, and the party can switch its navigator day to day.
- Note: Not everything requires travel, sometimes you just need to get there!