
Summer Solstice Celebration of the Gods

A holiday of fun and joy to celebrate the longest day of the year in mid-summer. This celebration is celebrated far and wide throughout Elistus with the largest celebration being at the heart of Taerfon in the capital city of Gilnaeth. This already massive city being almost exactly at the center of the other kingdoms has hundreds of thousands of people flooding in by ship just to celebrate this momentous holiday.

The celebration consists of eleven days of celebration with each day representing one of the gods by their respective number (this number represents when they were born in a countdown to the first) the final day being the climax to Celebrate Anima the creator of gods. Throughout the tenday, you can see any number of things storytellers, musicians, jugglers, magicians, fortune tellers, parades, to any number of things, and don’t forget the fools! The few humans you do see throughout are slaves doing other mundane tasks around the city weather being escorted by their wealthy owners or cleaning the streets throughout the celebration, no one pays them much mind except for the occasional prod, kick, or children mocking these lesser beings.


Day 1, 9th of Bell: Anotius: Soul/Body/Mind

  • Day of Competition
    • A day where all types of competition occur. Physical, mental, artistic, you name it there are people competing to see who is truly the best around!

Day 2, 10th of Bell: Sykdom: Wealth/Success/Repetition

  • Day of Giving
    • On this day all the wealthy families throughout the city get together and throw large elaborate parties, feasts, and events to show off exactly what they are worth to the people.

Day 3, 11th of Bell: Cognium: Knowledge/Scholars/Dreams/Mystery

  • Day of Invention
    • This is where the wizards, alchemists, inventors, blacksmiths, and all other professions that seek knowledge and use it to create come together. On the day of invention, you can find an innumerable amount of automatons traveling the streets with their creators, witness new spells, and much more as creators come out to show what their hard work has blossomed.

Day 4, 12th of Bell: Amordia: Love/Truth/Diplomacy/Law

  • Day of Justice
    • Well, what is a long holiday without throwing in some politics? Some of the most important decrees are signed by the end of this day by the king. As many politicians and common folk alike present cases and decrees to the counsel of mages in hopes that they will hear their pleas to change laws, or implement new ones.

Day 5, 13th of Bell: Itinerantur: Travel/Seas/Chaos

  • Day of the Traveler
    • To celebrate massive racing competitions are set throughout the city. Racing everything from giant frogs to griffins. A large footrace is planned every year with a large obstacle course. Through mud, ice, fire, and forest you just never know what the event will have in store for its competitors.

Day 6, 14th of Bell: Etemor: Elements/Wind/Nature

  • Day of the WIld
    • The entire city is almost turned into a jungle! Exotic animals roam the streets with their handlers, show’s where animals perform, druids grow plants around the city, and illusionists bring in the elements as you can walk comfortably through a storming blizzard or dry hot desert thanks to powerful illusion magic.

Day 7, 15th of Bell: Bellus: War/Death/Time

  • Day of Mourning
    • A day to remember our fallen, and to celebrate the lives they lived. As with most days, you will see parties and celebration throughout the town, but in a memorandum of those that have been lost.

Day 8, 16th of Bell: Teralia: Magic/Honesty/Cooperation

  • Day of Unity
    • Another day of competition, but instead of going it alone you’ll see anything from relay races, team combat, and all sorts of team-based sports.

Day 9, 17th of Bell: Tantex: Trickery/Rivalry/Magic

  • Day of Folly
    • Today the circus really comes to town! Jugglers, clowns, acrobats, marionettists and anyone who you can think of that would put on a show through some form of subterfuge to trick the eye will show up this day to give a performance as you have never seen before!

Day 10, 18th of Bell: Sollux: Sun/Light/Life

  • Day of Life
    • On this day we celebrate being among the living. As you could expect much of what you see throughout the festival is all crammed into this one day.

Day 11, 19th of Bell: Anima: All/Everything/Unknown/Creator of Gods

  • Day of Creation
    • This day is quite different and the streets go quiet as everyone takes a day to rest and reflect to prepare for the upcoming days ahead.