Arcanist’s Study
Nothing in the multiverse is stranger or more dangerous than the study of a dyed-in-the-wool magic-user. Oddities adorn every murky wooden shelf, from a relatively-usual human skull to a planar vortex in a jar or a preening pseudodragon atop a bookcase. The air reeks of spell components and books of specific Jore cover seemingly every surface.
Skilled Hirelings: 2
Unskilled Hirelings: 0
Construction Time: 15 days
Benefit: Choose abjuration, conjuration, enchantment, or illusion. While present within this room, spells in the chosen school cast by the owners of this structure and their allies have twice their normal duration, and half their normal materials cost. Intelligence (Arcana) checks made here that deal with this chosen school of magic have advantage. This room may be built multiple times, and each time a different school must be chosen.
May Also Be Built As. binding circle, interrogation chamber, mirror maze