
Discovered by members of Fates Fortune after Fates Crossing had been losing people to a mysterious creature lurking in the night. Finally after several nights of this happening the local construction workers started to raise their concerns to members of the guild. Finding that the culprits had been Windigo hunting in the night they tracked them down to this location and slew the beasts. Once a Temple of Anima, then converted into a temple of Relic created by human settlers with their goblin leader Titus. Not long after this a tribe of werefolk decided to settle here, thus finally creating the town of Haven. A place were all creatures are safe to reside.


Chapel: Temple of Relic, portal to Faeris
Wall: Wooden palisade
Under Construction:
Trading post:
Starting Date: 36th Bell
Finished: 16th of Itiin


Name Race Gender Description
Hugh Mason Human Male CR0 Commoner, professional masons, 55 yr/old
Krista Mason Human Female CR0 Commoner, professional masons, 54 yr/old
Hank Mason Human Male CR0 Commoner, professional masons, 32 yr/old, twin to Kara
Kara Mason Human Female CR0 Commoner, professional masons, 32 yr/old, twin to Hank
Jeshira Mason Human Female CR0 Commoner, child, 9 yr/old
Markus Carpenter Human Male CR0 Commoner, carpenter, 38 yr/old
Argus Carpenter Human Male CR0 Commoner, carpenter, 27 yr/old
Bree Human Female CR1/2 Scout, horse trainer, 36 yr/old
Carver Human Male CR1/2 Scout, horse trainer, 33 yr/old
Ralph Human Male CR1/4 Acolyte, 23 yr/old widower
Kava Dragonborn Female red, CR3 Veteran, Leader of Dragonborn
Patrin Dragonborn Male blue, CR3 Veteran, mated with Nala
Nala Dragonborn Female blue, CR3 Veteran, mated with Patrin
Ghesh Dragonborn Male green, CR3 Veteran
Korinn Dragonborn Female copper, CR3 Veteran
Mehen Dragonborn Male bronze, CR3 Veteran
Arctos Werebear Lord Male CR16, Leader of Weres
Trake Weretiger Lord Male CR15, mated to Suma
Jade Weretiger Female CR4, sister to Jade
Suma Weretiger Female CR4, mated to Trake, sister to Jade
Amur Weretiger Female CR4, twin cub to Suma/Trake
Malay Weretiger Female CR4, twin cub to Suma/Trake
Raksha Werewolf Male CR3, Mated to Roma
Grey Werewolf Male CR3, Mated to Leah
Roma Werewolf Female CR3, Mated to Raksha
Leah Werewolf Female CR3, Mated to Grey
Kela Werewolf Female CR3, Sister to Raksha
Kapu Werewolf Male CR3, pup of Grey and Leah
Silver Werewolf Female CR3, pup of Raksha and Roma
Nails Werewolf Female CR3, pup of Raksha and Roma
Berk Wereboar Male CR4, Brother to York
York Wereboar Male CR4, Brother to Berk
Snip Wererat Male CR2, Brother to Snap, mated to Zap
Snap Wererat Male CR2, Brother to Snip, mated to Zip
Zip Wererat Female CR2, Sister to Zap, mated to Snap
Zap Wererat Female CR2, Sister to Zip, Mated to Snip
Crunchy Wererat Male CR2
Cam Wererat Female CR2
Reggie Wererat Female CR2
Callus Wererat Male CR2