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A small chapel containing religious imagery, seating, iconography, and proper accouterment, alongside a modest library of holy texts and literature. The air hums with the resonance of hymns, and the comforting soul of the divine.

Skilled Hirelings: 2

Unskilled Hirelings: 10

Construction Time: 60 days
Benefit: This building/room is under the effects of a permanent hallow spell, the details of which are decided upon when the construction of this room is completed (Needs Lvl 9 cleric or higher to cast Hallow spell). Wisdom (Religion) checks made here that deal with the deity, philosophy, or religion the chapel is associated with have an advantage. This expansion may be built multiple times, and each time a different religion or phi­losophy for the chapel must be chosen.
May Also Be Built As. shrine, spirit lodge, or observatory