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The twang-clink of metal on metal, the roar of the fire, and the hiss of steam create a symphony of construction that fills this expansion. Newly­forged weapons and tools line the walls, glitter­ring with firelight from the forge and the promise of practical use.
Smith needs to be hired through RP.

Skilled Hirelings: 1

Unskilled Hirelings: 1

Construction Time: 30 days
Benefit: For 2 days worth of effort and half its listed price, any item on the Armor or Weapons tables in the Players’ Handbook (pages 145 and 149) may be made here by a properly-skilled hireling or character, after completing a DC 10 smith’s tools check. At your DM’s discretion, cer­tain items off of the Adventuring Gear (page 150) and Tools (page 154) tables may also be created here in a similar fashion. If a hireling skilled with smith’s tools is assigned to this expansion, they count as a Tools, Weapons, or Medium or Heavy Armor merchant (your choice) that is always present here.

May Also Be Built As. Forge