



This room hides a deadly secret, and only you know where.
Requirements: Varies (see below; none if none are listed)
Construction Cost: Varies (see below) Construction Time: 7 days
Benefit: This room contains one of the following traps, which you choose when you build this modification. Details on these traps may be found on pages 122-123 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. This modification may be built multiple times in a single room for multiple traps.

• Falling Net. Costs 1,500 gp, requires a character or hireling trained in Wisdom
• Fire-Breathing Statue. Costs 2,500 gp, and requires a character or hireling that can cast at least 2nd level spells.
• Pit, simple. Costs 1,000 gp.
• Pit, hidden. Costs 2,000 gp, requires a character or hireling trained in Dexterity
(Stealth) or Charisma (Deception).
• Pit, Jocking. Costs 3,000 gp, requires a character or hireling trained in Dexterity
(Stealth) or Charisma (Deception), and Dexterity (Sleight of Hand).
• Pit, spiked. Costs 4,000 gp, requires a character or hireling trained in Wisdom
(Survival). If the pit is also hidden or locking, it must also meet their requirements, above.
• Poison Darts. Costs 2,500 gp, requires a character or hireling trained in Wisdom